Eric Carle and Books about Mom

At the end of the school year, Max was talking about something other than baseball.

He kept bringing up writer and illustrator Eric Carle.

Like most families, his books are a staple in our collection and the kids’ early childhood. Carle’s bright colors, great art, fun stories make for good fun.

Max told me they were working on their own Eric Carle books at school and I could see it at Young Author’s Night. I asked his first grade teacher Ms. Brown about it.

“We have been studying the collaging technique used by Eric Carle,” she said. “The students can see that it is okay to see artwork in a non-realistic way.  The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse (watch Carle discuss on video!)  is an example of Eric Carle’s  passion for “thinking outside of the box” with his artwork.  To me, this is how most children start off thinking as well so I’m very excited to foster that!  Why not paint a horse blue or a giraffe green?  Right?”

The results were spectacular. Max’s book was The Very Energetic Komodo Dragon.


The komodo dragon is one of Max’s favorites.

Young Author’s Night is one of thing that makes Fairview-Clifton German Language School special. The teachers and students work so hard and it’s a time to see their work.

This year’s books included books they made about me for Mother’s Day. I think most of my mom friends can vouch that these are hilarious and a sometimes a little embarrassing.

Besides stating that “win” is my favorite drink, here’s what I do with my free time, according to Calvin. When I relax, I like to lie on the couch.


Art by Calvin. Note that I’m wearing pink!

A lot of it was sweet, like Max’s picture of us reading together:

Max and Mama reading

Max and me reading. Yes, we have a pink bed. It’s fabulous!

Eddie and I cracked up at Max’s take on what bugs me. He said, “Really? Isn’t it you guys that talk back?”

Talking back

Eddie is not the one who talks back!

You can bet these books will always be cherished!

What’s your favorite Eric Carle book? Better yet, what did your kids share about you at school?